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How To Fillet A Trout For Beginners

A Step-by-Step Guide On How To Fillet A Trout For Beginners

In this article “how to fillet a trout for beginners”, you will learn step by step how to properly fillet a trout, and achieve maximum yield.

In order to fillet a trout, or any fish properly, you need the proper tools.

  1. A sharp fillet knife: Choose a flexible and razor-sharp knife specifically designed for filleting. A dull knife can make the process more challenging and compromise the quality of your fillets.
  2. Cutting board: Opt for a stable and clean surface to ensure safety and hygiene.
  3. Gloves: While optional, wearing gloves can provide a better grip and protect your hands from the fishy smell.
  4. Trout: Freshly caught trout is ideal for filleting. Make sure to handle the fish with care to preserve its quality.
Preparing to fillet a trout

Alright, we have the tools. Let’s get to cuttin’. I recommend as a beginner, to take your time while you filet your trout. This way you can get an understanding of how to achieve the best final product.

Step 1: Scale and Gut the Trout

First things first, start by placing the trout on the cutting board with its belly facing upward. Using a fish scaler or the back of your knife, remove scales by scraping against the grain. Hold the trout firmly and make sure to scale both sides thoroughly.

Once the trout is scaled, it’s time to gut it. Make a small incision along the belly from the anal vent all the way to the head. You can use a gutting knife or scissors to carefully remove the entrails. Rinse the trout under cold water to remove any remaining blood or debris.

Step 2: Remove the Head

Some anglers prefer to keep their head on for presentation, but if you prefer headless fillets, follow these steps. Place the trout with its belly facing down and make a diagonal cut directly behind the gill plate, angling towards the head. This precision cut will separate the head from the body. Dispose of the head or use it for making fish stock.

Step 3: Tail and Fins

Now that you have the head removed, it’s time to trim. Trim the tail by making a straight cut just behind the tail fin. Next, remove the pectoral, pelvic, and anal fins. Hold the fins firmly and cut them close to the body. Be cautious, as these fins can be sharp. And if you are in a survival situation, the last thing you want is an open wound that has the potential to get infected.

Step 4: Make the First Incision

Lay the trout on its side with the dorsal fin facing up. Locate the top of the dorsal fin, and make a shallow incision perpendicular to the backbone, just behind the head. This initial cut will guide the rest of the filleting process.

Step 5: Follow the Backbone

Starting from the initial incision, carefully slide the fillet knife along the backbone, following its contours. Go slow, this is an acquired skill. Apply gentle pressure to separate the flesh from the bones. Keep the knife parallel to the backbone to maximize the yield of the fillet.

Step 6: Reach the Rib Cage

Continue the slicing motion until you reach the rib cage. Use the tip of the knife to navigate around the ribs, ensuring you don’t leave any meat behind. The flexible nature of a fillet knife allows for precision in following the natural curves of the fish.

Step 7: Flip and Repeat

Once you’ve filleted one side of the trout, flip it over and repeat the process on the other side. Start the incision just behind the head, follow the backbone, and carefully maneuver around the ribs. The goal is to have two mirror-image fillets, each free from bones and ribcage.

Step 8: Skin the Fillets

To remove the skin, place a fillet skin-side down on the cutting board. Hold the tail firmly and make a small incision between the flesh and the skin near the tail. Tilt the knife slightly and, using a back-and-forth motion, work your way along the fillet, keeping the blade close to the skin. Repeat the process for the other fillet.

Step 9: Check for Bones

Inspect each fillet for any remaining bones using your fingers or a pair of fish tweezers. Run your fingers over the flesh to detect any small pin bones and remove them carefully.

Step 10: Rinse and Store

Once you’ve completed the filleting process, rinse the fillets under cold water to remove any remaining scales or debris. Pat them dry with paper towels and store them in an airtight container or wrap them in plastic wrap. For longer storage, consider vacuum-sealing the fillets and freezing them.

What are the benefits of knowing how to fillet a trout as a beginner?

Knowing how to fillet a trout as a beginner, or any fish for that matter is an invaluable skill to have. Especially if you plan to homestead, or are in a survival situation. Being able to pull a fish out of the water, and filet it properly, and efficiently is an art. The goal here is to maximize the yield. So as a beginner, be sure to go slow, and follow this guide step by step.

How To Get Pin Bones Out Of A Trout

The best way to get boneless fillets is to pluck those pin bones right out with forceps like my grandfather taught me to do. It adds a little time to the process but it will be worth it in the end. Trust me!


Fillet a trout

Now that you have read through how to fillet a trout for beginners, and you understand the basics, get out there and start catchin’ some fish to practice on. I hope this article taught you something, and I wish you the best in your angling adventures!

You can get more information on how to fillet a trout for beginners here

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