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Doomsday Prepper Forum

Are you looking for a doomsday prepper forum? A place to connect with other preppers? Look no further. ThryveSurvival has a brand new forum. You can help us grow by signing up and introducing yourself. We aim to build a grass roots community full of preppers and survivalists.

What Is A Doomsday Prepper Forum?

Typically doomsday preppers are individuals that prepare for a WSHTF (when shit hits the fan) scenario. A forum is a place with threads in which you can communicate with other people.

In the old days, web-forums were the place to go when you wanted to talk about a specific topic, before the days of social media.

So we have brought those two things together. You can check it out HERE.

Why Should You Join A Doomsday Prepper Forum?

The two main reasons someone might join a doomsday prepper forum are for community, and for knowledge. These two things can bring together a lot of people. As a prepper, you should want to expand your knowledge and your gear. A doomsday prepper forum is a great place to learn from other like-minded individuals.

Forums VS Social Media

Social media is great for connecting, but in these days it is ultra-censored. Your free speech no longer exists. Shifting back to a forum-style community eliminates this substantially. While you can still be censored on a web forum, its a lot less than social media.


Finding a good doomsday prepper forum is a good idea if you want to learn from other people and share your knowledge as well in a nicely formatted way, with censorship resistance.

Head over to and sign up and introduce yourself. Keep in mind the community is brand new, but it’s always fun to get in on something at the ground floor and watch it grow!


  • Cole

    My name is Cole. I am the founder of THYRVE Survival.
    There are many other great articles like this one over in our blog archive.
    Also be sure to check out our forums. It's a great place to meet likeminded THRYVEalists like yourself.

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