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The Best Emergency Food Supply For Preppers

We live in some scary times. In this article, I will give you the best emergency food supply for preppers. Now look, I’m not one for fear-mongering, but the truth of the matter is, sh!t could hit the fan really quickly. And I would rather be prepared than not. Having 6 months to a year of food preserved and stored away puts my mind at ease. And if you have the funds, you could secure even more than that. You can have years of food preserved and stored away for you and your family to survive on if need be. So let’s get into the best emergency food supply for preppers.

What Is A Prepper?

emergency food supply for preppers

A prepper, short for a preparedness enthusiast, is an individual who actively engages in a lifestyle focused on adapting to potential disruptions in daily life.

Prepping is rooted in the belief that events, ranging from natural disasters to societal upheavals, can occur at any moment.

Prepping is the cultivation of practical skills and the accumulation of resources to ensure survival and well-being during challenging circumstances. Preppers often emphasize self-reliance, viewing preparedness as a form of insurance against uncertainties. This extends beyond merely stockpiling food and water; prepping encompasses a holistic approach that integrates various aspects of life.

The prepper mindset emphasizes adaptability, fostering a proactive approach to problem-solving. This includes learning how to forage for food, purify water, and navigate without traditional technology if necessary. Preppers often form communities and networks to share knowledge, resources, and support in times of crisis.

food storage

In summary, prepping is a lifestyle that goes beyond stockpiling goods; it involves a comprehensive approach to self-sufficiency, risk assessment, and skill development. Preppers aim to be resilient in the face of unforeseen challenges, embodying a philosophy rooted in preparation, adaptability, and community.

You can see from the Google trends graph here, that since 2004 “prepping” has appreciated in interest. And rightfully so, we have all been through a lot since 2004. Ever since the COVID event hit, people have been living on the edge of their chairs, wondering what major catastrophe will happen next. And will it be the “big one” this time?

With WW3 looming over the world’s heads, I think right now is the best time to invest in an emergency food supply. Even if all it ever brings you is peace of mind. Because I guarantee you this, when sh!t actually does hit the fan, you are going to wish you had spent that money on an emergency food supply. And frankly, you can’t call yourself a true “prepper” without one.

What Is An Emergency Food Supply? image of a food stockpile

An emergency food supply is a carefully curated collection of non-perishable food items intended to sustain individuals or households during unexpected crises. Typically assembled in advance, these supplies aim to provide essential nutrition when access to regular food sources is compromised, such as during natural disasters, power outages, or other emergencies. Common items include canned goods, dried fruits, grains, and long-lasting packaged foods. Creating an emergency food supply is a proactive measure to ensure individuals can meet their nutritional needs and maintain resilience in the face of unforeseen disruptions to daily life.

What Is The Best Emergency Food Supply Company?

After years of searching for the best emergency food as someone that actively preps, Legacy Food Storage is hands down my favorite. I have personally ordered from multiple companies to try their food. It wasn’t until I found Legacy Premium that I made a large purchase. Now look, I’m not some faceless author on the internet trying to make a sale. My name is Cole. I am the founder of and this is a genuine opinion on the matter. All of the other food companies I have ordered samples from have been very disappointing. However, the food from is the gem you have been looking for.

  • LOWEST PRICE ONLINE, GUARANTEED if they aren’t, they will match it.
  • 25+ year shelf life
  • Gourmet Taste
  • Many different bulk options to fit your budget
  • 100% Free Shipping
  • Very High-Quality Food
  • Gluten-Free Options
  • Single Bulk Ingriend Orders Accepted
  • No Vegan Options
  • Only Ships Within The US

What Emergency Food Packages Does Legacy Offer?

Other Products By Legacy

The great thing about Legacy is they have other products aside from just the best emergency food supplies. They also offer Survival Gear, Solar, and Emergency Water Reserves,

This company is just so great. I really can’t believe how much value they offer. I have been ordering from their website for 8 months now. Adding to my food supply when I can, and grabbing some other useful products when I see fit.

How Much Money Should You Spend On An Emergency Food Supply?

This question can be answered with a question. “How much do you value you and your family’s safety and well-being?” You can’t put a price tag on that, can you? I can’t.

You should ask yourself this question, How much food would you wish you had ordered in the event that sh!t did hit the fan, and put you and your family into a survival situation?

Now let’s take into account good ol’ “risk to reward”.

Risk: No major event ever happens and the investment you made never had to be used. However, It brought you peace of mind that you and your family would be secure and healthy in the event of a survival situation. Which is worth the investment alone, in my opinion.

Reward: Now let’s look on the opposite side, a major event does happen, and there is a food shortage of some kind. Now you and your family have a large supply of food to sustain for an extended period of time, and you won’t starve to death. Dead & Not Dead. I think not being dead is a better scenario.

Look, it’s just this simple. Having a food supply that will last for 25+ years is the right move, regardless of what will or won’t happen.

Obviously, you need to pick the right package that suits your budget and trust me, there is no shame in starting small. What I did, was start making one order per month, and within a few months, I had a stockpile of food that would last me and my family for a long time if needed.

Or you could just hit a home run and grab the largest package they offer, which is (4,320 premium servings, for $11,120 minus the 15% New Year Discount = $9,452.)

That will feed 4 people 3x a day for over a year.


Regardless of your budget, I think it’s the perfect time to start prepping and adding to your food supply. With all of the uncertainty in the world currently, the peace of mind alone is worth the investment. Is hands down the best emergency food supply for preppers, from the gourmet flavor, to the 25+ year shelf life, they easily take the #1 spot in the emergency food supply market.

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  • Cole

    My name is Cole. I am the founder of THYRVE Survival.
    There are many other great articles like this one over in our blog archive.
    Also be sure to check out our forums. It's a great place to meet likeminded THRYVEalists like yourself.

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